I received my last Valentine day’s present eons ago but it was definitely the best I’ve ever had in all of my life. The doorbell that sounded like a broken carillon rung at around 2pm. He was standing at the door with his left hand hidden behind his back. What was he hiding from me? Was it a bunch of flowers? Maybe they were the plastic variety that grows in DIY stores, like the ones he had given me a couple of years earlier and had made me lough so much, or was it a pot of yellow miniature roses, like the ones still timidly growing on my window sill? Not it was it the Japanese cake from Piccadilly Circus. I was trying to guess when suddenly an unnatural looking green stem with some red lacy petals on top materialized in front of me. I took the rose and jokingly put it under my nose, it had a strong and tacky smell, and thanked him. He smiled. I knew there was something else I wasn’t getting. What was the joke? ‘Thank you’ I said ‘ I didn’t expect a pres...
Pensieri fissi o mobili, manie, sprazzi e sprizzi di luce... A blog for bilingual (and non-bilingual) readers