In the United Kingdom the Monarch has no real power, the constitution is unwritten, and not many people are English, not even the Queen. Now that we are out of the EU, it all seems logical, considering that we were never part of it in the first place. The question is, if we are not in Europe where are we? And, more important of all, who are we? People who believe in blood and heritage always seem to know who they are. People, who like me, believe in culture, don’t. According to my DNA test in my genes I carry the blueprint of 12 geographical regions, all in Europe, both in the very North and the very South. More and more often I get this feeling that it’s all a big mess. Unfortunately, in my case, when I look at my two countries Italy and the UK, this felling doubles up. We live in a pastiche, some kind of sweet and messy trifle. We have jumped in and now we are sinking in hot custard. The custard is thick, the more you struggle the more you sink, but it’s sweet and slightly alcohol...
Pensieri fissi o mobili, manie, sprazzi e sprizzi di luce... A blog for bilingual (and non-bilingual) readers