It is around 5 am and I am getting ready to leave London. Christmas is fast approaching. The usual routine for this time of the year: getting up at the crack of dawn. Catching the early bus while it’s still dark outside. At 7 in the morning the pale lights of the aurora haven’t kissed the London’s sky yet. I am now standing on the tube, already crowded and full of people, trying to balance my trolley with my handbag which contains my computer, a tablet, kindle and two phones plus cables and chargers. The day before I had a chat with David, my neighbour, and he convinced me that even a safe area like the one we live in it’s not safe at all, and we should replace the glass on the front door with reinforced glass panels. For this reason I decided to take all valuable electronic possessions (and the only valuables) with me. ‘Are you sure we need to?’ I asked, ‘They are ugly’ ‘What’s better’ he replied ‘ beautiful or safe?’ ‘Beautiful’ I said without any hesitation. He gave me a look...
Pensieri fissi o mobili, manie, sprazzi e sprizzi di luce... A blog for bilingual (and non-bilingual) readers